Outsource your swiping to our Swipe Scientists ⚡️

 We do all of your swiping. Multiple apps. Over 1000 swipes per month guaranteed.

Fully Outsourced Swiping

Our team will swipe in your account, to help you get more matches. We swipe according to your specific preferences

Organize Past Matches

You can train us on how you like to message your matches, and we will send messages to your old matches, and organize your old messages

Optimizing Photos

We can do photo optimization to make you look better in your photos, and help you choose which photos to use

More In-Person Dates

The more activity you have on your profiles, the better your chance at matches and dates. After the first month of swiping our clients average at least 5-7 dates per

Don’t Get Burnt Out with Online Dating

The biggest reason people stop dating is lack of motivation. Having someone on your side swiping will keep you motivated to go on more dates.

Who is SwipeFix?

Swipefix founders have over 15 years of online dating experience in what some consider to be the toughest dating market in the United States. An original Swipefix founder decided to outsource his swiping and training people to swipe for him. His friends soon asked for his help outsourcing their swiping, and that was when SwipeFix was born.

Custom Tailored

Once your subscription begins, we will contact you via email and Google Chat to set up your account. We have a process in place to understand your swiping preferences, and start to swipe within a couple days.

Multiple Apps

We will swipe on up to 5 different apps for you (or more if you want). We do recommend you pay for premium on your apps to enusre we are able to swipe as much as possible for you.

We Swipe, You Message

When you aren’t spending time swiping, it frees you up to come up with creative messages, and not get as burnt out with dating apps. The vast majority of time spent on apps is swiping. Let us take that off your hands.

Multiple Tiers (Basic, Gold, Platinum)

Our Platinum consulting tier will help give you tips on messaging, and ongoing dating advice to keep you motivated. We also help with in-person cold approaching and guidance when it comes to finding girls in your local city, or when you are travelling. We have over 15 years of experience with high volume online dating in over 15 different countries.

Our case studies

The full monty burke posh excuse my French Richard cheeky bobby spiffing crikey
Why gormless, pear shaped.!

Swipefix Testomonials

Triangle Image

Swiping ⚡️ Average Monthly Benefits


plus swipes per month


plus dates per month


hours saved per month


old message conversations saved

Our Awesome Clients

Online Dating Can Get Stale

Have a team on your side to help keep you motivated and consistent with your dating. Subscribe today!

2022 Swipefix All rights reserved.