Question from our reader:
WHY do people not see results on dating apps? What is the ONE thing you can I improve?
We have over 15 years of experience with online dating, and app management. Here are our NO BS thoughts.

There are tons of fatal mistakes people make when it comes to dating app management. A lot of them are actually very easily fixable. Many times, it’s doing easy stuff, the basics. Doing them over and over again, for a long enough period of time, until you receive enough momentum to see results.

One of the most common themes we see, many daters aren’t staying on top of their matches and texts, for all they are worth. They get 5 matches, and let them sit at the top of their app for 5 days with no message. Or they get a phone number but forget to text, and never ask for the date. The list goes on.

Research shows, if you matched, that is likely the time where the other user is currently active. Being able to message them within 24 hours of the match is pretty key in our experience. This can very likely increase your reply rate. It allows the conversations to start flowing more freely, and get you closer to that phone number and date. It’s simple, but in our experience, messaging within the first day of the match will likely get your conversation going, versus waiting.

Looking at our clients’ accounts

Looking into our client’s accounts when they first sign up for our service, typically there are multiple matches they have failed to message. So why do people wait to send a first message? Why does the match go un-messaged? Why do daters forget to follow up? The biggest issue, we believe, is sending the message is work. You have to be disciplined to be able to swipe and message constantly. If you work a full time job, have other commitments, messaging a dating app match is probably not very high on your priority list.

They also have had bad experiences. They message the other person, have great witty texts, receive the phone number, try to set up a date, and the other person gets busy or doesn’t reply. They think, “Why did I waste all that time and mental energy coming up with the perfect text?” and for the next match they just don’t reply, or are inconsistent. Nowadays with dating, automation, knowing your next step in your process, and being consistent are all huge keys to success.


One of the keys, we believe, is to automate your messaging process. The reasons people don’t follow up is they are burnt out on coming up with creative messages, and lose the motivation. One of the keys to discipline is knowing your next step, and having a clear plan. If you are unsure of your next step, then that is when you can get sidetracked and put it off. You delay it, and ultimately forget, and lose all momentum. Having an automated messaging process, and a plan for consistency, allows you to always know your next step.

Go back to the basics

Ultimately, it’s simple. Many people get too backed up on checking the other person’s profile, organizing their matches, and making sure they are staying on top of their messages. It becomes time consuming and stale. They don’t have a plan, and they don’t execute on it.

If you need assistance with staying disciplined, and just having someone on your side for accountability, feel free to check out our different tiers of dating app management. We also have a ton of free content on our SwipeFix blog and social media sites. Good luck and keep swiping!