How to get more matches & dates on Coffee Meets Bagel (2023 Guide) 


SwipeFix does dating app management for busy professionals.  Swiping, messaging, improving your profile, and dating accountability coaching.  Without any corny tactics or expensive “matchmakers”.  


⚡  Have your results on Coffee Meets Bagel been subpar recently? 

A few of our clients had some pretty obvious, as well as some not-so-obvious flaws in their approach on CMB. Some things they were overlooking. Instead of just pointing out these to our clients privately, why not share them with the public as well? 😉 Without furtheradoo, we present you a few of our favorite tips, tricks, hacks, and management approach for Coffee Meets Bagel.

⚡  Who uses Coffee Meets Bagel? 


CMB targets a certain type of person. Typically someone who is a little more “relationship oriented”, or looking for a more serious relationship. Let’s say late 20s, or early-mid3 30s. Some of the clientelle on the app skew a bit more toward either white or asian, or the professional crowd, but it’s open to anyone. Not all target markets have or use Coffee Meets Bagel but if you are in the USA it may be worth a download to check and see if your market has an active userbase or not.


⚡  The Rundown on Premium Features for Coffee Meets Bagel


Premium can definitely get you better results on CMB, like most dating apps. Depending on your phone (Android or iPhone) CMB provides a premuium service with distinct features to each.  Android allows you extensions (with your extra included beans) if your match message period expries.  iPhone offers a free “skip the line” feature for premium, but unfortunately comes with less free “beans”.  Android’s free beans each month gives you the opportunity to extend your matches more often.  iPhone does offer free “Discover Page” swipes for premium. There are positives and negatives to each of these premium features.


⚡  Is Android or iPhone better for Premium for Coffee Meets Bagel? 


In our experience, Android wins out for premium, based on the free extra beans, which helps you revive inactive message threads more often. This is a useful feature, because the vast majority of people on dating apps are pretty inactive. One of our core principles to getting better results, is being pretty ruthless in making sure you are messaging all your matches, and going for dates. Android premium allows you to re-message your matches and go for the date a couple more times, once they have gone inactive. For iPhone, you are not able to extend your matches without paying for it. While free explorer page swipes are nice on iPhone, we don’t feel they are as effective as being able to extend your matches on Android. In addition, the “skip the line” feature on iPhone seems nice, but we don’t see a huge increase in the number of matches with it.


⚡  Tricks to the Discover Page on Coffee Meets Bagel?


One big tip we can give to improve your results on the Discover Page, is to click the “active in the last 72 hours” setting at the top under your “Filters”.    Many of the discover page profiles are attractive, but the vast majority of them are inactive, or don’t message.    We went through dozens of profiles on the Discover Page and the vast majority of them either don’t message, or have never swiped (if you have premium you can scroll to the bottom of the person’s profile and see if they are active or not).    If they aren’t active profiles, you definitely don’t want to be using your free swipes, or valuable beans on them.     If you have the time, you may want to check each profile before liking them, to see if they are active or not, and how often they message their matches.

Another tip for the Coffee Meets Bagel Discover Page, is choose your locations wisely.    Many of our clients swipe purely on attractiveness, and not location here. If a profile is an optimal location to you (very close to where you live), the chance that you will have a successful date with them increases tremendously.     Use your valuable Discover Likes on profiles that are close to you, or are in your “ideal location”.    We say, spend the extra time refreshing the page and finding profiles with those locations.    This can increase your results exponentially.


⚡  The Biggest Key to Success on Coffee Meets Bagel 


You need to swipe your bagels every single day.     I know, it’s a bit of a pain and extra work.    It basically requires you to open the app and swipe it every day, and message your matches every day, but this is the key to success when it comes to dating apps.    I know, it’s a drag, but consistency wins out every time.   The person who swipes, messages, and goes for dates more often, and more consistently gets better dates, and better results.   


⚡ How to Improve Your “Activity Report” – an Obscure but Useful Hack 

How to Set Your Preferences & Check Your Matches on CMB 

So, this is an obscure tactic but may slightly improve your results.   Hey, every little improvement counts right?   So, as we mentioned before, each profile has an “activity report” at the bottom that shows how many matches you message first, and how many you reply to.   Some girls (or guys) do check the activity report at the bottom of your page.    If your profile shows you “message first” on 100% of your matches, and you are messaging your matches 100% of the time, that can signal to a girl (or guy) that you are a little thirsty.    Especially if you are about to go on a date, and she is reviewing your profile and sees this.    There is a simple trick to this.    Each day you should get some slightly less attractive matches on you Discover Likes page.    You can match them and immediately delete the thread. This will improve your activity report, and can improve your results slightly.    Hey, as we said, every improvement counts.    This only takes a few seconds each time you open the app, and can improve your activity report within a day or two.


⚡ To Wrap Up ⚡ The SwipeFix Coffee Meets Bagel Analysis 


There are a few other trick and hacks that we’ll be sharing going forward, but this is blog entry is a good starting point for a breakdown of improving your results on CMB.  The hardest thing is consistency we found.  If you would like to get more insider tricks, you can subscribe to our newsletter.  Go to our home page and scroll to the bottom to sign up.   To wrap up here are the keys we shared:


⚡  Swipe on Android for Premium if you have access to one
⚡  Make sure you swipe your bagels each day, without fail
⚡  Use your features wisely every single day, including Discover Page Filter/Location
⚡  Improve the “little hacks” when it comes to app management
⚡ Message all your matches, follow up with ALL inactive messages
⚡  Go for the date consistently, and go on dates
⚡  Don’t give up, don’t let your app management get stagnant
⚡  Ruthless consistency!

SwipeFix does dating app management for serious daters that want results. We swipe, message, and manage your dating app for a monthly fee without corny matchmaker tactics. Sign up today on our subscriptions page.

At SwipeFix we are passionate about getting people dates and results, without BS tactics. Feel free to send us an email with any questions. Keep swiping and good luck!


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